Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving Hangover

Well, either I've been eating too much and got those post-thanksgiving blahs or I've been eating too much and my girth is expanding. Either way, I'm getting awfully clumsy. Today I was sitting just inside the bedroom door when I turned suddenly and took a flying leap, like I always do, and banged my head into the door jamb. Ouch! That's gonna give me some kinda headache!

Yesterday, my people heard strange sounds coming from somewhere inside the house, so my she-person checked the front bedroom, bathroom, laundry room and kitchen to see what could be causing so much racket. Nothing. As she walked away she could still hear something that sounded like dishes rattling, so she checked the kitchen again, then the bathroom. Okay, she doesn't keep dishes in the bathroom, but she thought someone might be under the vanity clinking bottles together. Still nothing. So just as she heads back to the living room again, she definitely hears a cabinet door slamming.

Yep, it was me. I had managed to get inside some lower cabinets and spent time exploring. Hence, the noise of dishes rattling. I checked between and behind every dish and appliance because this was all new real estate to me. I had previously proven that I could get into the corner pantry where my food and treats are kept, so they now keep a stool shoved up against the door to keep me out. That's okay. I'll still explore the other cabinets because I'm betting they don't have enough stools to block them all, plus they won't be wanting to trip over a bunch of stools every time they walk into the kitchen.

One thing about me. I'm not your average fool! I can figure out things if I really want to. We had a visiting kitty as a guest last week, and it knows how to open drawers. They came home and it had gone into the closet and opened a drawer in a chest so it could explore the contents.
Unfortunately, I wasn't in the room with it to see how it did it because it didn't like me. It hissed and spit at me, so we were kept separated while it was here.

At home, its people say it opens drawers and pulls everything out whenever they leave the house. I'm not about to try that, even if I knew how, because I'm liable to be put somewhere unpleasant when they go out to keep me out of trouble. Still, I would like to know how it's done just in case I want to create some havoc around here someday.

It's time to go take a nap. I feel an immense headache coming on, plus I need my beauty sleep. I have my own special place to collapse, which is in the guest room. A glider rocker suits my body just fine, and it's tucked away into a quiet corner where I can sleep the day away until I hear the can opener or the microwave telling me it's feasting time again.

Nothing interferes with my feeding time or I set up a squall that will wake the neighbors and the dead!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Is the Day to Pig-Out

As you may know, when I don't post it means I've been busy or my people have been busy. Well, they've been busy, and guess what, they even had a couple of parties. I'm sure they were in my honor because I had so much fun -- especially during the first one.

At first, I was locked in the laundry room where I could hear all the fun and smell the food, but in spite of sticking my feet under the kitchen door and squalling at the top of my lungs, I was mostly ignored. Then I heard the magic words, "Why don't you let Inky in?" and I knew my time to shine had come.

I loved all the pets and hugs, and believe me, I begged for my share of them.

Today it's Thanksgiving and I'm spending my day all alone because my people have gone to eat. I'm not sure why I have to spend the day all by myself? I see that my people left me some dry food, which I think is supposed to last me all day. Meanwhile, you can bet they will pig out big time.

That's okay, though. I know how to get into the cabinet where my food is kept. My people didn't think I knew such things, but I gave myself away when I got into a cabinet and was rattling dishes around. My people went looking all over that end of the house to see what was making noise, and couldn't figure it out until they heard the cabinet door slam as I walked out.

Too bad I'm so smart. Now if they don't discover locks for the cabinet doors, I've got it made. I also know where my pill pockets are hidden, and it's just a matter of time until I learn how to climb up on the cabinets and get to the top shelves!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Spooky Time of Year

It's almost Halloween and I'm scared to step outside. My sleek black body might look too tempting to someone wanting to attach a tail to me and turn me into a Halloween kitty. My she-person has already mentioned doing something like that and sticking me up in a window. I am not a Halloween kitty; I'm a perfectly handsome furbaby whose only purpose in life is for getting pets and hugs! I'm also not ashamed to admit that getting kissed is okay, too.

My people bought home some costume stuff that they're planning on dressing up in to attend a party. I hope they're not planning on leaving me at home by myself! I would love to see the looks my she-person gets in that dayglow green hair, and my he-person in his devil mask. Boy do they think they're scary. Ooo-o-o-h.

It's been pretty okay here for awhile. I got some yummy treats from the vet and I guess my people slip my pills inside them. Anyway, somehow, I'm getting pills that are making me hungry again. The treats are terrific! The first batch came home in a plastic baggie, which I found and devoured. Oops! Well, they're better than food, and I was hungry after not eating for a few days.

A new wingback chair was delivered to our house and I found out right away that it's just my size. I jumped up in it and stretched out on my back. Uhm-m-m, how comfy it is. My people keep eyeballing it like they want to take it away from me, but they better not try it. I'm back to my fighting weight and I'll make mincemeat out of anyone who even threatens to move in on my territory.

Happy Halloween, everyone . . .

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Ups & Downs of Being Inky

This has been a week with lots of ups and downs. First of all, I got sicker than a junkyard dog that's been eating rotten raw fish, so I went to the Vet. Okay, so that was probably the worst of it since everyone knows I don't like thermometers! I got a shot to stop my upchucking and some fluid to rehydrate my ravaged body. Still I wouldn't eat, so four days later I was back at the Vet. This time I had lost all my fight, so they X-rayed me and gave me some blood tests. They also gave me a pill, which went down before I could stop it.

Got home and ate something immediately. Wow! What was in that pill? Let's just say that now my appetite is HUGE and I'm back to my old self. I do have some health issues now, but since I'm responding to the pills so well, that should keep me feeling pretty good. And the pills -- how the heck are they getting those things into me? Apparently, they're hidden in fish or chicken flavored pill pockets, and I gobble them down so fast that I don't know I've had them. At first they tried a pill popper, which didn't work very well since I kicked and clawed to prevent that pill from going down my throat. Don't mess with me!

The real shock this past week was finding out I'm much older than anyone thought. Here everyone thought I was just a juvenile, and now we know I'm at least seven, maybe eight or nine years old. Now how am I supposed to act? Can I still be my cute, playful self without anyone thinking I'm acting too childish? Oh, who cares . . .

My adventures have included exploring the garage since things have been moved around for the garage sale, and chasing a grasshopper all over the patio. What fun that was! Bugs were created for kitty enjoyment. I might be older than anyone thought but I'm not willing to act my age yet!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Life goes on in my new "hood"

Time flies when you're having fun! Or something like that. I just noticed my she-p hasn't posted anything on my site lately, so she's obviously having way too much fun, or she's gotten lazy.

My people's friends are starting to trickle back into town, so things are picking up around here. Even though I don't get out to the RV Park much anymore, they're constantly going out there for some reason. And some of their friends have come to see us in our new home. I love it. I get to show off how much weight I've lost since the last time they saw me. Sometimes I put on a show for them and roll around on my back so they can admire me from every angle. And sometimes I quietly observe them if I don't know them well. My people never trust me when I'm in my observing mode. It keeps them on their toes wondering what I might do next. I've been known to jump up on the dining table after they've cleaned it, but before they set it to eat. Boy does that get their attention. I have to run for my life!

Mostly I just lie on top of the coffee table and keep an eye on everything. I especially love jumping on it just after my she-p has cleaned the glass. Then I can leave fresh little paw tracks all over it.

The evenings are cool and the doors are always left open so I can lie in front of them and watch for lizards and other kitties. The other night a big grasshopper managed to get in, and boy did I have a romp trying to catch it. Just as I would get near, it would jump all the way across the room and I would have to hunt for it again. My people finally scooped it up and took it outside because they were afraid I would catch it and hurt it. Hey, I just wanted some entertainment. It certainly provided some exercise for me for a while.

Last night my people were putting up new curtains, but first my she-p had to press them. Boy did I have a ball crawling all around inside them while she was ironing. I could see through them, so I would bat at her legs. She would try to chase me out, but that just gave me a chance to become tangled up in them. I love doing anything that will annoy my people because I love to be chased. I don't know which is more fun - chasing something else or being chased. Oh well, I'll take whatever I can get.

Until next time, meow . . .

Friday, September 11, 2009

Trippin' in California Again

Well I've been to California again, and again, no sight of Mickey and Minnie. I mean, that's why I get so excited about going there. Oh I love seeing my human aunties and uncles, but I would truly love a good romp with M & M at Disneyland.

I was kept closed off in the bedroom part of the time because someone has to follow me around all the time to make sure I don't devour all the houseplants. Hey, poison schmoison, what's it to me when I spot the green stuff? At home my people buy me green grass to nibble on whenever I want, but they forgot to take that with us to CA. Next time folks, don't forget my grass!

We had some excitement on the way home but I managed to snooze through most of it. We stopped at my people's favorite watering hole on Highway 60 this side of Quartzsite, and my he-p ran in to buy a couple of chocolate malts since they couldn't leave me in the hot car to go in and eat a real meal. And don't kid me -- they were just as happy to slurp down malts as they would have been to eat real food!

When he came out of the restaurant he noticed one of the tires had gone down, so he started rummaging through the trunk to find his spare and a jack. Lucky for him (and me), three or four men came out and walked over to see what was going on. One grabbed the spare tire (which was really a full-size new one that he-p had bought and had mounted for just such an emergency) and another grabbed the jack and started hiking the back end of the car up. Yes, I wondered why my crate was suddenly rising, but a quick look outside told me all was well. In no time they had the old tire off and the new one on, which was wonderful since it was about 95 degrees outside.

So that's what humans mean by Good Samaritans. Those people had just finished their meal and had other places to go (I heard one of them mention Las Vegas), but they stopped and helped a poor old coot like my he-p. Maybe they saw my poor little pitiful face through the window, too. They were really nice to help! I hope they had good luck in Vegas! Meanwhile, I hope my he-p doesn't read this since I just called him an old coot!

When we got home, my he-p pulled into the garage and let me out of the car. Now what? Although I was downright delirious to be out of that car, I had been in the garage one time on my own, so I didn't know which way to turn. Finally my she-p opened the door to the laundry room and I slowly crept inside to make sure some other cat hadn't moved in on my territory while I was away. Nope -- everything was the same. My grass was still sitting where I had last grazed, although a little wilted since it hadn't had any water for a few days. My toys were still in place except for the fat rat and mouse that had accompanied me to CA.

Next day, I snoozed all day long to rest up from the trip. Hey, it's hard on a sweet little boy like me to travel in the backseat of a car when it's bouncing over potholes and being slung around corners. It's a wonder I didn't upchuck all over the upholstery. Mr. California Governor: you need to fix them roads!

Anyway, we all had a good time in California, as usual, but I can't wait for all my human buddies to come over and visit me here so I don't have to nearly lose my lunch on those California roads. I can show them some good times here, too. Come to think of it, I usually stay home while my people show them a good time, but I can act cute and precious in front of them when they're here. I promise I'll be on my best behavior.

Oh, by the way. See if you can't give Mickey and Minnie a ride over when you come.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

New Home, and sleek new body to go with it!

Goodness gracious, it's been a long time since I last posted. A lot has happened since then and I've been busy, busy, busy! Let's see, where do I start?

First of all, I got moved into my new home and quickly settled down to my more or less usual routine. I watch the hummingbirds outside the window and I love looking out the front door when it is open, but I haven't tried to go out there yet. I've found me a new favorite place to sleep, which is up on a shelf in the closet. And I've discovered new mischief to get into. Oh, and I've lost about a pound since we moved because of all the running back and forth to see what my people are doing. It takes a lot of calories to keep up with my people in this house, unlike the motorhome. There I could lie in one spot and pretty much keep an eye on them anywhere inside.

The first thing I discovered here is that I can open cabinet doors, especially the one where my food and treats are kept. I beat my she-person there every time it's feeding time, and if she forgets to feed me, I climb up on a stool by that cabinet to give my pitiful cry and remind her. I always know one of my people will eventually come waddling into the kitchen to fix their own snack, so I wait more or less patiently until they do. The stool is the one they've taken to pushing against that cabinet door so I can't open it and help myself.

Last weekend, my human auntie and uncle came over from California, and boy was that fun. But boy was it sad when they left. I sat by the open door and gave my most mournful cry for more than thirty minutes after they left. I love having all the attention that comes with having more people around! In fact, I eat it up!

Speaking of eating, it's getting close to supper time so I had better take a quick nap before I have to walk all the way into the kitchen to eat. Walking can wear a skinny little fellow like me out. Okay, not so skinny, but definitely trimmer than before.

Until next time, purr-r-r-r.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Two Good Eyes Just In Time to Explore My New Home

Hey y'all, my eye is finally all better. Yippee! And on the trip home from my last vet visit, we stopped off at an empty house so I could explore it.

What's this? I got to roam through the entire house, although I mostly slunk along the walls from one room to the next. I did check everything out, though, except for looking out the doors. I wasn't sure what might be hiding out there, waiting to attack me if I crept up to the door. Let me tell you, it was comforting to crawl back in my pet carrier after exploring, even though I usually fight going in there! But then I'm usually getting in to go to the vet, and this time I knew I had already been there. Surely my people wouldn't haul me back again on the same day.

Apparently this house is going to be my new home. There was not much furniture inside, certainly nothing I recognized. There was a bed that I could actually crawl under, so that might become my favorite new hiding place when we move in. I do like to crawl under the bed at my California auntie and uncle's house, then reach out and bat my paw at people when they walk by. What fun that is, especially since they can't get under the bed to catch me. That's my kind of place! And I saw a dresser with drawer pulls in the new house that I can play with in the middle of the night. Heck, maybe I'll get lucky and someone will leave a drawer open so I can crawl inside and curl up and go to sleep. Just don't shut me inside and forget about me, please!

I've seen packed boxes leaving the motorhome, and I think they must be ending up in the garage of the new house, because I saw lots of them there. I hope this doesn't mean I won't get to travel at all anymore. My people promise we'll still go RVing. I've gotten used to seeing the sights and would miss it if I never got to see anything new.

I didn't hear any roosters or geese at the new house, like my people said I would. I'm not sure whether that's something I will like or not, especially since they'll be on the other side of a tall wall and I won't be able to see them. I've heard and seen plenty of fat, waddling geese, but a rooster will be something else. What, exactly, do they sound like? I wonder if I can get over the wall and chase it? Probably I'll be too chicken to try it. Oops, is that what my people call a pun?

I can't wait to see what surprises might await me when we finally move a few weeks from now. Anyway, life goes on here in the 'hood'. The sun is shining, it's nice and cool, and it's time for my kitty nap. Wake me when something exciting happens. Purr-r-r-r.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Looking for trouble with one good eye

I went to the vet again, this time for an eye infection, and yes, she used that thermometer again. That woman can't seem to understand that when I growl really low, it means I don't want her or it touching me! What part of grrr-r-r-r does she not understand? But the good thing is I found out my diet must be working because I've lost 3 and 1/4 ounces. Yippee. Okay, you don't need to remind me that a few ounces isn't much. It's a start.

Meanwhile, my motorhome seems to be getting more and more disorganized. I still can't figure out what's happening. Maybe we're taking a trip again? My people seem to be spending more and more time away, so maybe they're stocking up for the trip? They keep telling me I'm really going to like it, whatever "it" is.

Maybe something else is going on. All I know is that when they're home, they are constantly wrapping me in a hot stuffy blanket, then my she-person pokes some eye ointment into my poor eye. I do more than growl low when they tackle me, wrap me and hold me down. I let out a yowl that would wake the dead and scare the coyotes away. My people are fearless though -- or else they're stupid -- because they don't back off.

My eye is better though, thanks for asking, and maybe in a few days I won't need any more forced medicating. Then maybe my people will take me with them when they go out for the day. I could use a change of scenery - purr-r-r-r. That is, unless some cute little doggies move in next door again.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Another Black Cat in My Motorhome!

Things are going on around here that I don’t understand! In a movable home like ours, that’s not unusual, but lately there seems to be even more activity of the weird kind than usual.

Yesterday my he-person carried a huge square thing in, and as soon as he set it down at the end of the hall, I saw a black cat in it. Yikes! I very carefully crept up to it, afraid it might attack me. Heck, I didn’t know if I might have to turn and hightail (or stub-tail in my case) it out of there. But it just stood there looking blankly at me, so I sniffed it. Nothing. No smell, no noise. What’s going on here?

I climbed on the bed to get a look from above, but I couldn’t see or hear a thing. So I jumped down and sniffed behind it. Still nothing. Then my she-person started walking out of the mirror, so I looked up at her and meowed. She laughed and asked what was wrong, but her voice came from behind me instead of in front of me where I could plainly see her. What the heck? I whirled around and there she was behind me.
But how, when I can plainly see her no matter which way I looked?

Finally I walked a few feet down the hall and looked back over my shoulder at it to make sure the black cat wasn’t chasing me. It was doing the same darn thing as me, looking back at me. What? Was that thing mocking me?

I’m beginning to wonder if we have one of the cats from my auntie and uncle’s house in California? But when my he-p. carried the big square thing back out of the motorhome, the cat seemed to disappear, too. I wonder if I’ll see it outside the door when it’s opened again?

Hey, if I appear freaky sometimes, don’t blame me. Now you have an idea of the kind of things I put up with around here.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

More Trials on the RVing Trail

I've been busy, busy, busy being a pill this week, so haven't had time to post my latest shenanigans. First of all, we had the darling little Shih-Tzu dogs next door, so I stayed busy keeping an eye on them. I even got to get out and prance around in front of them a little bit, although my he-person stayed on my tail (pardon me, my behind, since I don't happen to possess a real tail--only a little stub.) Little Lacie was so tiny and cute--like a powder puff with feet--and she finally came over to rub noses with me through the screen.

She came inside and waltzed right up to me and we sniffed each other, but then I lifted my front foot because I was afraid she might want to touch it, and jumped straight back. Then she made straight for my mouse. Eeek! A look of horror washed over my face as I watched her touch it, but her person told her no so she turned around and played with my bird hanging from the ceiling for a bit. As soon as she left, I checked my birdie out to make sure it was still all there. A boy can't be too careful with his toys!

I do believe I could grow to love Lacie given half the chance, but I don't know about sharing my toys. Maybe she'll come back to visit soon. Her older sibling, Mikko(?) and I got acquainted last year and he's just too cute, too, but he's almost as big as me and our people aren't sure how he or I might react to each other if he actually came inside. Hey, I'm a gentleman most of the time.

The next day the wind was howling again and I cried all over the place, trying to win some sympathy. But that wasn't all. My needs were being neglected and I wasn't about to shut up until I got some service!

My she-p. finally asked what was wrong, so I ran to the bathroom door and started scratching on it to let her know it had blown closed. Hey, I can't get to my potty if I can't get through the door. She opened it, then I promptly ran back to my food bowl and pointed out that it was empty. My she-p. picked it up and filled it, then asked if I needed anything else before she sat down. A little water, perhaps?

Harrumph! I shouldn't have to ask! What does a boy furbaby have to do to get some service around here? So you see what I'm up against here. Is it any wonder that I can sometimes be a pill?

Service, Please! NOW!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Shimmying and Shaking

The motorhome has been shimmying and shaking, rocking and rolling again. We had such heavy winds for two days and one night, I was plum skeered to death! I cried and kept my people awake all night long as the RV bounced around. I kept poking my paw under the covers and slapping my she-person's face to wake her up, but she didn't do much to calm me down. Wind is not my favorite weather.

Today is beautiful outside and the next few days should be very warm. The windows are open and I'm waiting for the door to open, too, so I can keep a watch out for the two cuties next door. There are two Shi Tzu's (hope the spelling is right) right next door and I love to watch them play. I'm not sure, but I might like to play with them. The little one is just a tiny little black and white puff-ball. Just my size.

I got new treats yesterday, although they're still the Greenies brand. When my she-p. opened that package of tuna tidbits I just about had a conniption fit. They smelled so good I couldn't wait to get at them. I almost swallowed them whole, and I could have eaten the entire package if my she-p. hadn't limited me to five. She reminded me that I'm on a diet, so only a very few treats come my way until I lose more weight. Hey, if I could get out and play with those cuties next door I'll bet I could run some weight off.


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Inky creates mayhem during the night

I'm a pooped furbaby today because I spent all night playing. I guess my people were sleeping soundly since I didn't get yelled at even once. My she-person did get up and fill my food bowl, but that was because she forgot to feed me before she went to bed. It rained all night long, so I guess that covered up the noise I was making as I created havoc throughout the motorhome. Too bad my people were too busy sleeping to play with me, but they saw what fun they had missed when they woke up this morning.

Several areas were laid to waste, including a dumped box of sweetener packets scattered all over the place. I also played with the birdie hanging from the ceiling, which IS MINE to play with, and finally went to sleep with it cradled between my furry front legs. I also managed to free the plastic light cover from an entry light near the floor by punching or scratching at it until it popped loose. My he-person spent several minutes replacing it and picking up after me this morning.

I'm grinning like a satisfied ape as I recall the damage I managed to create all by myself. To all you people who don't have a furbaby like me, think of all the fun you're missing!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Wow what wonderful weather here!

Golly, the weather is beautiful today! I'm so glad we're still here in Arizona, even though most of my people's friends are heading northward. Some of them will be wading in knee-deep snow before their part of the country warms up. Hey, I remember what it was like last year in the Northwest. I much prefer having the windows and door open so I can have my fur ruffled by the breeze. It also gives the neighbors plenty of opportunities to admire my handsome looks!

One day this week, the wind blew until it scared me silly. Hopefully that won't happen again anytime soon. My she-person told me we could be in North Dakota where it was flooding, then the wind was blowing, then it was snowing. Okay, Okay! I guess I've got it pretty good here, but North Dakota is where my favorite blonde (Lab), Dixie, lives and I would love to romp with her. She and her people are so good because they're the ones who fed me and talked my people into taking me in. My people called last week to make sure they weren't flooded out. They were okay, but they had been out filling sandbags and volunteering other ways to help the rest of the folks in Fargo.

I've spent all week missing my human auntie and uncle from California. It's so much nicer to have an audience for all my antics. When I get a roomful of admirers, believe me I make the most of it. I get between them and the door so they'll have to notice me, even if they're trying to leave. I can stretch my body out almost all the way across the room. Okay, that's a little bit of a fib, but I can definitely position myself so that no one can get around me unless I say so.

Life is good, purr-r-r-r . . .

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Cuteness is My Middle Name

This past weekend was fun, fun, fun! My auntie and uncle with the humongous house in California came to visit. They’re not really my relatives because they are human, but they’re really, really good friends of my people—so therefore, they’re my auntie and uncle. I love them like they were kitties. Of course, while they were here all the people ate many meals out and didn’t invite me. Like they didn’t know that I could smell it on their breath? What do they take me for—a dunce?

I got plenty of opportunities to enchant our company. My favorite thing is, as you all know from reading my blog, lying on my back in the middle of the floor and checking constantly to make sure everyone is watching me. I twist and turn and look at each person again and again because I want their eyes on me and no one else!

My uncle-person sat in the she-person’s glider and put his feet on MY glider footstool, so I decided to challenge him for it. I waltzed over and stared him down, and then meowed, but he ignored me. Then my she-person asked what was wrong, so I gave her a pitiful look, then looked back at him and meowed again. Harrumph! He still ignored me while everyone else almost passed out laughing.

Finally he moved his feet to one side and I promptly jumped up and shared the footstool with his stinky feet. Oh well, I’m just a cat. But I’m not as generous about sharing my things as they are about sharing their big home full of black cats with me. My she-person says I’m rude and inconsiderate, but by golly, I went without a home for awhile, so don’t blame me if I’m a little possessive about my things.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Company's Comin' - Yippee!

I just got the word that company's comin' next week. I can't wait to display my charms on my California friends in my own environment. They haven't seen me yet in my super-relaxed at home mode. When I'm at their house, I'm usually too awed of the big house or more interested in mowing down their houseplants than in showing off for them.

Now, surrounded by my own toys and gadgets, I can really show them what I'm made of. At home I can be cute as can be lying on my back in front of them, twisting and turning so I can make eye contact with them to make sure they're watching my every move. That's my favorite trick, but I also have certain toys that my people don't take to California when we go, such as my birdie hanging from the ceiling. Boy do I put on a show playing with that thing!

I managed to get out the door a couple of days ago while my she-person was coming through it with her arms full. I ran to the far side of the patio and sat down to chew on the bushes, but here she came thinking she could swoop me up or urge me indoors, so I took off next door. I quickly hid so she couldn't find me, and I certainly didn't answer her calls! What does she take me for, an idiot-cat? Then when she went inside to put on shoes so she could conduct a proper search, I disappeared entirely.

Once she went out again and over to the other side of the motorhome, I promptly headed home. Luckily she left the door open so I could get in and, therefore, make it plain that going inside was MY IDEA instead of hers. The neighbors yelled at her and told her I was sitting calmly inside the door acting like I hadn't been anywhere at all and was just wondering why the heck she was outside calling for me. I'm real clever that way.

Oh, I'm so intelligent! I've also gotten curious lately about watching to see how my humans unlock the door and unlatch the screen door. One of these days I'm going to surprise them and let myself out. I've already figured out how to get into the cabinet where they keep my food bag. One day I got inside the cupboard and chewed through an unopened dry food bag that was bought before they put me on that danged diet. I was happily munching away when my people discovered me. They promptly taped the bag shut and took it, along with several cans of my previous food to the humane society for their hungry kitties. Now what I want to know is why those kitties deserve the fattening stuff when I don't???

Oops, I just fell off the back of the couch while I was charging at the finches on the feeder. I just got so excited watching them that I tumbled backwards, then jumped up quickly hoping my humans hadn't noticed how clumsy I was. After all, I want everyone to think I'm always perfectly in charge - or is that purr-fectly?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Still on a diet, but life is good!

Now that I've been on a diet for awhile, I can tell you that I haven't lost that much weight yet. Or else someone's scale is wrong! I visited the vet again because of a little eye infection, and their scale weighed me at a little more than the home scale (wait until my she-person hears this, ha-ha-ha. She's ignorantly thinking that she's losing weight because she hasn't weighed on the vet's scale!)

Now that my people know that I haven't lost as much weight as they thought, they've started feeding me less food. So far I've accepted it okay. They're threatening to measure me around the middle to judge whether I'm losing some pudginess. Bring it on! Is this a good time to mention that I might scratch someone's eyes out if they try it?

The folks have been buying me wheat grass to graze on because they don't want me outdoors, and boy do I love it. I especially love it when my he-person goes to the pet store to buy it because he usually brings me a new toy. Now there's a birdie suspended from the ceiling that hangs about 18 inches off the floor. I love to lie on my back and reach up and try to swat it. It's just high enough that I have to stretch to reach it. A couple of days ago my he-person purchased a bell for it so I can hear it tinkle when I swat it. Heavenly!

Of course, there's still the bird feeder just outside the window for the finches, but sometimes it runs low on food and the birds don't come around. They like their feeder full just like I prefer mine full! I also like their feeder full because while they're busy eating, I can lunge at them and scare the heck out of them. Today I'm feeling lazy. Maybe I'll perk up this evening when the folks get ready for bed. I do love to make a little noise with my romping and playing after they go to bed - tee-he-he.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

If I Gotta Diet, Give Me Some of That Good Stuff!

Caption: My he-person snuggles a big armload of squirming fur (me) in front of our friend's fireplace.

You must wonder why I haven't been posting lately. Now I can tell you. I was in a foul mood after we got back from the vet, then to top it off, my folks put me on a diet. At first I wasn't sure why I was getting different food, but I sure did like some of it. Some of it I refused to eat. Seems they bought a variety of the new high protein stuff to see which I preferred.

Let me tell you, I love the seafood stuff, but don't ever try to feed me something called "pot pie" again! That stuff was nasty. Now I've even gotten used to the dry food they bought for me and not only have I lost a few ounces, but I'm as frisky as a kitten again.

I'm not eating any less, just better for me food. I guess this stuff fills me up better, Not only does it have real seafood of all kinds, but it has vegetables and apples and such in it. I'm not overly crazy about the carrots, but I can usually work around them. And if I accidentally do eat some, it's all mixed in with things like New England Boil, Surf and Turf, and Ocean Breeze. I even like the Thanksgiving Day Dinner with turkey, green beans, carrots, apples, cranberries and blueberries. Who knew this stuff could taste so good? It's all real food like lobster and sardines instead of filled with fillers and lots of carbohydrates. It may cost more than the cheap supermarket stuff, but I'm worth it!!! Besides, I don't eat all that much.

And no, I don't intend to go on and on about my healthy food, but I will keep readers posted on how the weight loss goes. Maybe my she-person will post a picture when I get slim and trim. As you can tell from the photo (above), I'm quite an armload.

Right now I've got to make a mad dash to the window and chase the birdies away from the feeder. I'm a real terror now that I've got all this energy, plus I'm losing weight every time I fly up the back of the sofa and leap at the window.

Now, if only we can find some good tasting people food for my she-person so she can diet along with me. And no, I'm not sharing mine!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My Regular Routine Does Not Include Vet Visits

Okay, here's the thing. I like my routine and I don't like change unless it involves getting new toys. So when I see my cat carrier come indoors, I know something's up. But I have to investigate it because I never know by what some little critter might have crawled inside and still be hiding there. Not this time!

But let me back up for a minute. This disruption of my routine began Sunday when my people left me and didn't return home until late at night. How could they go off and leave me alone that long? Seems they spent the day in Quartzsite, the gathering place in the desert where old people and hippies like to go to either sell things, or buy what they have to sell. My people came home with armloads of stuff, and frankly, I didn't see one thing that interested me.

Back to the cat carrier, which they carried in after they got home Sunday night. It stays indoors on the floor overnight, I guess so I will become used to it and feel comfortable. Harrumph! Next morning my he-person grabs me and tries to stuff me inside. Well, I have a surprise for him. That's not going to happen unless I decide it's okay. I've learned to spread my front legs out so there's no way he can stuff me inside the crate. I make myself much bigger than the opening. So my she-person tells him to put me in backwards. Well all of a sudden, there I am sitting inside the crate with the door being locked. This does not look good!

I do my usual pitiful crying for a few minutes after we get in the car, then I settle down since I'm sure we must be headed to California. Wrong! We're headed into town to the vet. I remember that place. That's where someone stuck something up my backside and I screamed like a banshee, then to add insult to injury, they shot me with a huge needle. This time my people don't even go in with me, but I hear them wish the vet tech, good luck!

True to my nature, I make some noise about getting my temperature taken, but I leave the vet tech in one piece so she can carry me back to my people, who are waiting for me in the waiting room. Then the tech informs my people that I could lose a couple of pounds. Who does she think she's talking about? She does mention that I might have a thyroid problem and should probably be tested. I hope that doesn't mean I'll have to go back to see her!

Well I'm home now, and let me tell you, I'm making my people feel sorry they took me to the vet. I've been so quiet and mostly sleeping so they'll think I've been truly traumatized. I want them to remember this next year when they decide it's time to get shots again. I'll sure remember!