Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Cuteness is My Middle Name

This past weekend was fun, fun, fun! My auntie and uncle with the humongous house in California came to visit. They’re not really my relatives because they are human, but they’re really, really good friends of my people—so therefore, they’re my auntie and uncle. I love them like they were kitties. Of course, while they were here all the people ate many meals out and didn’t invite me. Like they didn’t know that I could smell it on their breath? What do they take me for—a dunce?

I got plenty of opportunities to enchant our company. My favorite thing is, as you all know from reading my blog, lying on my back in the middle of the floor and checking constantly to make sure everyone is watching me. I twist and turn and look at each person again and again because I want their eyes on me and no one else!

My uncle-person sat in the she-person’s glider and put his feet on MY glider footstool, so I decided to challenge him for it. I waltzed over and stared him down, and then meowed, but he ignored me. Then my she-person asked what was wrong, so I gave her a pitiful look, then looked back at him and meowed again. Harrumph! He still ignored me while everyone else almost passed out laughing.

Finally he moved his feet to one side and I promptly jumped up and shared the footstool with his stinky feet. Oh well, I’m just a cat. But I’m not as generous about sharing my things as they are about sharing their big home full of black cats with me. My she-person says I’m rude and inconsiderate, but by golly, I went without a home for awhile, so don’t blame me if I’m a little possessive about my things.

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