Monday, April 6, 2009

Wow what wonderful weather here!

Golly, the weather is beautiful today! I'm so glad we're still here in Arizona, even though most of my people's friends are heading northward. Some of them will be wading in knee-deep snow before their part of the country warms up. Hey, I remember what it was like last year in the Northwest. I much prefer having the windows and door open so I can have my fur ruffled by the breeze. It also gives the neighbors plenty of opportunities to admire my handsome looks!

One day this week, the wind blew until it scared me silly. Hopefully that won't happen again anytime soon. My she-person told me we could be in North Dakota where it was flooding, then the wind was blowing, then it was snowing. Okay, Okay! I guess I've got it pretty good here, but North Dakota is where my favorite blonde (Lab), Dixie, lives and I would love to romp with her. She and her people are so good because they're the ones who fed me and talked my people into taking me in. My people called last week to make sure they weren't flooded out. They were okay, but they had been out filling sandbags and volunteering other ways to help the rest of the folks in Fargo.

I've spent all week missing my human auntie and uncle from California. It's so much nicer to have an audience for all my antics. When I get a roomful of admirers, believe me I make the most of it. I get between them and the door so they'll have to notice me, even if they're trying to leave. I can stretch my body out almost all the way across the room. Okay, that's a little bit of a fib, but I can definitely position myself so that no one can get around me unless I say so.

Life is good, purr-r-r-r . . .

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