Friday, April 17, 2009

Shimmying and Shaking

The motorhome has been shimmying and shaking, rocking and rolling again. We had such heavy winds for two days and one night, I was plum skeered to death! I cried and kept my people awake all night long as the RV bounced around. I kept poking my paw under the covers and slapping my she-person's face to wake her up, but she didn't do much to calm me down. Wind is not my favorite weather.

Today is beautiful outside and the next few days should be very warm. The windows are open and I'm waiting for the door to open, too, so I can keep a watch out for the two cuties next door. There are two Shi Tzu's (hope the spelling is right) right next door and I love to watch them play. I'm not sure, but I might like to play with them. The little one is just a tiny little black and white puff-ball. Just my size.

I got new treats yesterday, although they're still the Greenies brand. When my she-p. opened that package of tuna tidbits I just about had a conniption fit. They smelled so good I couldn't wait to get at them. I almost swallowed them whole, and I could have eaten the entire package if my she-p. hadn't limited me to five. She reminded me that I'm on a diet, so only a very few treats come my way until I lose more weight. Hey, if I could get out and play with those cuties next door I'll bet I could run some weight off.


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