Sunday, April 26, 2009

More Trials on the RVing Trail

I've been busy, busy, busy being a pill this week, so haven't had time to post my latest shenanigans. First of all, we had the darling little Shih-Tzu dogs next door, so I stayed busy keeping an eye on them. I even got to get out and prance around in front of them a little bit, although my he-person stayed on my tail (pardon me, my behind, since I don't happen to possess a real tail--only a little stub.) Little Lacie was so tiny and cute--like a powder puff with feet--and she finally came over to rub noses with me through the screen.

She came inside and waltzed right up to me and we sniffed each other, but then I lifted my front foot because I was afraid she might want to touch it, and jumped straight back. Then she made straight for my mouse. Eeek! A look of horror washed over my face as I watched her touch it, but her person told her no so she turned around and played with my bird hanging from the ceiling for a bit. As soon as she left, I checked my birdie out to make sure it was still all there. A boy can't be too careful with his toys!

I do believe I could grow to love Lacie given half the chance, but I don't know about sharing my toys. Maybe she'll come back to visit soon. Her older sibling, Mikko(?) and I got acquainted last year and he's just too cute, too, but he's almost as big as me and our people aren't sure how he or I might react to each other if he actually came inside. Hey, I'm a gentleman most of the time.

The next day the wind was howling again and I cried all over the place, trying to win some sympathy. But that wasn't all. My needs were being neglected and I wasn't about to shut up until I got some service!

My she-p. finally asked what was wrong, so I ran to the bathroom door and started scratching on it to let her know it had blown closed. Hey, I can't get to my potty if I can't get through the door. She opened it, then I promptly ran back to my food bowl and pointed out that it was empty. My she-p. picked it up and filled it, then asked if I needed anything else before she sat down. A little water, perhaps?

Harrumph! I shouldn't have to ask! What does a boy furbaby have to do to get some service around here? So you see what I'm up against here. Is it any wonder that I can sometimes be a pill?

Service, Please! NOW!

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