Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Another Black Cat in My Motorhome!

Things are going on around here that I don’t understand! In a movable home like ours, that’s not unusual, but lately there seems to be even more activity of the weird kind than usual.

Yesterday my he-person carried a huge square thing in, and as soon as he set it down at the end of the hall, I saw a black cat in it. Yikes! I very carefully crept up to it, afraid it might attack me. Heck, I didn’t know if I might have to turn and hightail (or stub-tail in my case) it out of there. But it just stood there looking blankly at me, so I sniffed it. Nothing. No smell, no noise. What’s going on here?

I climbed on the bed to get a look from above, but I couldn’t see or hear a thing. So I jumped down and sniffed behind it. Still nothing. Then my she-person started walking out of the mirror, so I looked up at her and meowed. She laughed and asked what was wrong, but her voice came from behind me instead of in front of me where I could plainly see her. What the heck? I whirled around and there she was behind me.
But how, when I can plainly see her no matter which way I looked?

Finally I walked a few feet down the hall and looked back over my shoulder at it to make sure the black cat wasn’t chasing me. It was doing the same darn thing as me, looking back at me. What? Was that thing mocking me?

I’m beginning to wonder if we have one of the cats from my auntie and uncle’s house in California? But when my he-p. carried the big square thing back out of the motorhome, the cat seemed to disappear, too. I wonder if I’ll see it outside the door when it’s opened again?

Hey, if I appear freaky sometimes, don’t blame me. Now you have an idea of the kind of things I put up with around here.

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