Thursday, May 28, 2009

Looking for trouble with one good eye

I went to the vet again, this time for an eye infection, and yes, she used that thermometer again. That woman can't seem to understand that when I growl really low, it means I don't want her or it touching me! What part of grrr-r-r-r does she not understand? But the good thing is I found out my diet must be working because I've lost 3 and 1/4 ounces. Yippee. Okay, you don't need to remind me that a few ounces isn't much. It's a start.

Meanwhile, my motorhome seems to be getting more and more disorganized. I still can't figure out what's happening. Maybe we're taking a trip again? My people seem to be spending more and more time away, so maybe they're stocking up for the trip? They keep telling me I'm really going to like it, whatever "it" is.

Maybe something else is going on. All I know is that when they're home, they are constantly wrapping me in a hot stuffy blanket, then my she-person pokes some eye ointment into my poor eye. I do more than growl low when they tackle me, wrap me and hold me down. I let out a yowl that would wake the dead and scare the coyotes away. My people are fearless though -- or else they're stupid -- because they don't back off.

My eye is better though, thanks for asking, and maybe in a few days I won't need any more forced medicating. Then maybe my people will take me with them when they go out for the day. I could use a change of scenery - purr-r-r-r. That is, unless some cute little doggies move in next door again.

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