Saturday, April 11, 2009

Inky creates mayhem during the night

I'm a pooped furbaby today because I spent all night playing. I guess my people were sleeping soundly since I didn't get yelled at even once. My she-person did get up and fill my food bowl, but that was because she forgot to feed me before she went to bed. It rained all night long, so I guess that covered up the noise I was making as I created havoc throughout the motorhome. Too bad my people were too busy sleeping to play with me, but they saw what fun they had missed when they woke up this morning.

Several areas were laid to waste, including a dumped box of sweetener packets scattered all over the place. I also played with the birdie hanging from the ceiling, which IS MINE to play with, and finally went to sleep with it cradled between my furry front legs. I also managed to free the plastic light cover from an entry light near the floor by punching or scratching at it until it popped loose. My he-person spent several minutes replacing it and picking up after me this morning.

I'm grinning like a satisfied ape as I recall the damage I managed to create all by myself. To all you people who don't have a furbaby like me, think of all the fun you're missing!

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