Thursday, March 12, 2009

Still on a diet, but life is good!

Now that I've been on a diet for awhile, I can tell you that I haven't lost that much weight yet. Or else someone's scale is wrong! I visited the vet again because of a little eye infection, and their scale weighed me at a little more than the home scale (wait until my she-person hears this, ha-ha-ha. She's ignorantly thinking that she's losing weight because she hasn't weighed on the vet's scale!)

Now that my people know that I haven't lost as much weight as they thought, they've started feeding me less food. So far I've accepted it okay. They're threatening to measure me around the middle to judge whether I'm losing some pudginess. Bring it on! Is this a good time to mention that I might scratch someone's eyes out if they try it?

The folks have been buying me wheat grass to graze on because they don't want me outdoors, and boy do I love it. I especially love it when my he-person goes to the pet store to buy it because he usually brings me a new toy. Now there's a birdie suspended from the ceiling that hangs about 18 inches off the floor. I love to lie on my back and reach up and try to swat it. It's just high enough that I have to stretch to reach it. A couple of days ago my he-person purchased a bell for it so I can hear it tinkle when I swat it. Heavenly!

Of course, there's still the bird feeder just outside the window for the finches, but sometimes it runs low on food and the birds don't come around. They like their feeder full just like I prefer mine full! I also like their feeder full because while they're busy eating, I can lunge at them and scare the heck out of them. Today I'm feeling lazy. Maybe I'll perk up this evening when the folks get ready for bed. I do love to make a little noise with my romping and playing after they go to bed - tee-he-he.

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