Thursday, September 24, 2009

Life goes on in my new "hood"

Time flies when you're having fun! Or something like that. I just noticed my she-p hasn't posted anything on my site lately, so she's obviously having way too much fun, or she's gotten lazy.

My people's friends are starting to trickle back into town, so things are picking up around here. Even though I don't get out to the RV Park much anymore, they're constantly going out there for some reason. And some of their friends have come to see us in our new home. I love it. I get to show off how much weight I've lost since the last time they saw me. Sometimes I put on a show for them and roll around on my back so they can admire me from every angle. And sometimes I quietly observe them if I don't know them well. My people never trust me when I'm in my observing mode. It keeps them on their toes wondering what I might do next. I've been known to jump up on the dining table after they've cleaned it, but before they set it to eat. Boy does that get their attention. I have to run for my life!

Mostly I just lie on top of the coffee table and keep an eye on everything. I especially love jumping on it just after my she-p has cleaned the glass. Then I can leave fresh little paw tracks all over it.

The evenings are cool and the doors are always left open so I can lie in front of them and watch for lizards and other kitties. The other night a big grasshopper managed to get in, and boy did I have a romp trying to catch it. Just as I would get near, it would jump all the way across the room and I would have to hunt for it again. My people finally scooped it up and took it outside because they were afraid I would catch it and hurt it. Hey, I just wanted some entertainment. It certainly provided some exercise for me for a while.

Last night my people were putting up new curtains, but first my she-p had to press them. Boy did I have a ball crawling all around inside them while she was ironing. I could see through them, so I would bat at her legs. She would try to chase me out, but that just gave me a chance to become tangled up in them. I love doing anything that will annoy my people because I love to be chased. I don't know which is more fun - chasing something else or being chased. Oh well, I'll take whatever I can get.

Until next time, meow . . .

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