Friday, September 11, 2009

Trippin' in California Again

Well I've been to California again, and again, no sight of Mickey and Minnie. I mean, that's why I get so excited about going there. Oh I love seeing my human aunties and uncles, but I would truly love a good romp with M & M at Disneyland.

I was kept closed off in the bedroom part of the time because someone has to follow me around all the time to make sure I don't devour all the houseplants. Hey, poison schmoison, what's it to me when I spot the green stuff? At home my people buy me green grass to nibble on whenever I want, but they forgot to take that with us to CA. Next time folks, don't forget my grass!

We had some excitement on the way home but I managed to snooze through most of it. We stopped at my people's favorite watering hole on Highway 60 this side of Quartzsite, and my he-p ran in to buy a couple of chocolate malts since they couldn't leave me in the hot car to go in and eat a real meal. And don't kid me -- they were just as happy to slurp down malts as they would have been to eat real food!

When he came out of the restaurant he noticed one of the tires had gone down, so he started rummaging through the trunk to find his spare and a jack. Lucky for him (and me), three or four men came out and walked over to see what was going on. One grabbed the spare tire (which was really a full-size new one that he-p had bought and had mounted for just such an emergency) and another grabbed the jack and started hiking the back end of the car up. Yes, I wondered why my crate was suddenly rising, but a quick look outside told me all was well. In no time they had the old tire off and the new one on, which was wonderful since it was about 95 degrees outside.

So that's what humans mean by Good Samaritans. Those people had just finished their meal and had other places to go (I heard one of them mention Las Vegas), but they stopped and helped a poor old coot like my he-p. Maybe they saw my poor little pitiful face through the window, too. They were really nice to help! I hope they had good luck in Vegas! Meanwhile, I hope my he-p doesn't read this since I just called him an old coot!

When we got home, my he-p pulled into the garage and let me out of the car. Now what? Although I was downright delirious to be out of that car, I had been in the garage one time on my own, so I didn't know which way to turn. Finally my she-p opened the door to the laundry room and I slowly crept inside to make sure some other cat hadn't moved in on my territory while I was away. Nope -- everything was the same. My grass was still sitting where I had last grazed, although a little wilted since it hadn't had any water for a few days. My toys were still in place except for the fat rat and mouse that had accompanied me to CA.

Next day, I snoozed all day long to rest up from the trip. Hey, it's hard on a sweet little boy like me to travel in the backseat of a car when it's bouncing over potholes and being slung around corners. It's a wonder I didn't upchuck all over the upholstery. Mr. California Governor: you need to fix them roads!

Anyway, we all had a good time in California, as usual, but I can't wait for all my human buddies to come over and visit me here so I don't have to nearly lose my lunch on those California roads. I can show them some good times here, too. Come to think of it, I usually stay home while my people show them a good time, but I can act cute and precious in front of them when they're here. I promise I'll be on my best behavior.

Oh, by the way. See if you can't give Mickey and Minnie a ride over when you come.

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