Friday, October 9, 2009

The Ups & Downs of Being Inky

This has been a week with lots of ups and downs. First of all, I got sicker than a junkyard dog that's been eating rotten raw fish, so I went to the Vet. Okay, so that was probably the worst of it since everyone knows I don't like thermometers! I got a shot to stop my upchucking and some fluid to rehydrate my ravaged body. Still I wouldn't eat, so four days later I was back at the Vet. This time I had lost all my fight, so they X-rayed me and gave me some blood tests. They also gave me a pill, which went down before I could stop it.

Got home and ate something immediately. Wow! What was in that pill? Let's just say that now my appetite is HUGE and I'm back to my old self. I do have some health issues now, but since I'm responding to the pills so well, that should keep me feeling pretty good. And the pills -- how the heck are they getting those things into me? Apparently, they're hidden in fish or chicken flavored pill pockets, and I gobble them down so fast that I don't know I've had them. At first they tried a pill popper, which didn't work very well since I kicked and clawed to prevent that pill from going down my throat. Don't mess with me!

The real shock this past week was finding out I'm much older than anyone thought. Here everyone thought I was just a juvenile, and now we know I'm at least seven, maybe eight or nine years old. Now how am I supposed to act? Can I still be my cute, playful self without anyone thinking I'm acting too childish? Oh, who cares . . .

My adventures have included exploring the garage since things have been moved around for the garage sale, and chasing a grasshopper all over the patio. What fun that was! Bugs were created for kitty enjoyment. I might be older than anyone thought but I'm not willing to act my age yet!

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