Thursday, October 29, 2009

Spooky Time of Year

It's almost Halloween and I'm scared to step outside. My sleek black body might look too tempting to someone wanting to attach a tail to me and turn me into a Halloween kitty. My she-person has already mentioned doing something like that and sticking me up in a window. I am not a Halloween kitty; I'm a perfectly handsome furbaby whose only purpose in life is for getting pets and hugs! I'm also not ashamed to admit that getting kissed is okay, too.

My people bought home some costume stuff that they're planning on dressing up in to attend a party. I hope they're not planning on leaving me at home by myself! I would love to see the looks my she-person gets in that dayglow green hair, and my he-person in his devil mask. Boy do they think they're scary. Ooo-o-o-h.

It's been pretty okay here for awhile. I got some yummy treats from the vet and I guess my people slip my pills inside them. Anyway, somehow, I'm getting pills that are making me hungry again. The treats are terrific! The first batch came home in a plastic baggie, which I found and devoured. Oops! Well, they're better than food, and I was hungry after not eating for a few days.

A new wingback chair was delivered to our house and I found out right away that it's just my size. I jumped up in it and stretched out on my back. Uhm-m-m, how comfy it is. My people keep eyeballing it like they want to take it away from me, but they better not try it. I'm back to my fighting weight and I'll make mincemeat out of anyone who even threatens to move in on my territory.

Happy Halloween, everyone . . .

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