Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Is the Day to Pig-Out

As you may know, when I don't post it means I've been busy or my people have been busy. Well, they've been busy, and guess what, they even had a couple of parties. I'm sure they were in my honor because I had so much fun -- especially during the first one.

At first, I was locked in the laundry room where I could hear all the fun and smell the food, but in spite of sticking my feet under the kitchen door and squalling at the top of my lungs, I was mostly ignored. Then I heard the magic words, "Why don't you let Inky in?" and I knew my time to shine had come.

I loved all the pets and hugs, and believe me, I begged for my share of them.

Today it's Thanksgiving and I'm spending my day all alone because my people have gone to eat. I'm not sure why I have to spend the day all by myself? I see that my people left me some dry food, which I think is supposed to last me all day. Meanwhile, you can bet they will pig out big time.

That's okay, though. I know how to get into the cabinet where my food is kept. My people didn't think I knew such things, but I gave myself away when I got into a cabinet and was rattling dishes around. My people went looking all over that end of the house to see what was making noise, and couldn't figure it out until they heard the cabinet door slam as I walked out.

Too bad I'm so smart. Now if they don't discover locks for the cabinet doors, I've got it made. I also know where my pill pockets are hidden, and it's just a matter of time until I learn how to climb up on the cabinets and get to the top shelves!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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