Wednesday, November 5, 2008

This Election Kept Me Up Late

Don't think I'm a chronic complainer, but I have to let you know that my people kept me up long past my bedtime last night watching election returns. They seem to find lots of reasons to keep me up late, then expect me to sleep late. Not likely! What's with these people? On top of keeping me up late for the results, then there was lots of celebrating because a black dude like me won the election.

So okay, I can appreciate that! I'll bet he's not near as handsome as me, though!

My people kept talking about how the country would right it's course now, and that maybe people can get jobs and not go hungry after he (the President) fixes things. Hey, I'm for that, too, because I don't want any little furry four-legged people like me to go hungry or freeze because their humans can't afford heat.

And I understand the new President was born and grew up in Hawaii. So besides both of us being black, we have something else in common (sort of). He grew up in Hawaii and my people have a picture of me wearing a Hawaiian lei. Doesn't that make me Hawaiian? Maybe they will put the picture on my blog so you can all see how handsome I look. They're kinda slow at putting my pictures up.

And I'll bet I would make a good president, too. I would make sure that all kitties have a continuous supply of kibbles and fishy food, and that all my furry friends have homes and families of their own for Christmas. And that I have lots of attention and toys to amuse me. Are you listening, Santa?

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