Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Chin Scratches and Kitty Dreams

Well it has been a busy few days as more and more of my people's friends find their way back to the valley. I've had lots of chin scratches and admiring looks from some of those folks. I'll just bet I'm the handsomest kitty they've ever seen? (she-person's note: In your dreams, Inky!)

Halloween is almost here, and my she-person told me I needed a false tail so I could stand in the window and look fierce. Next thing I know, she'll be sticking me next to one of them freaky pumpkins with a candle inside. Harumph!

My people bought me another toy to play with. This one has a bird on top with feathers, sitting in what looks kind of like a palm tree. If I slap it, the bird chirps several time, but frankly, I don't have enough energy to slap that dumb stuffed bird around, even if it is stuffed with catnip. It's much better to look out the window at the finch feeder, and make a running attack at the window screen when the birds light on it. I'm just sure that someday I'll be able to reach through the screen and grab me a mouthful of real feathers from a live bird.

And sometimes I get a real thrill. The other day I saw two lizards outside on the patio playing with each other, and went running towards the screen door so I could watch closely. Oh how I would have loved to give them a run for their money, but my she-person refused to open the door. Someday I'll figure out how to get the latch on that door open so I can chase birds, lizards, or any other wildlife. There are some black kitties running around in the park that I don't really care to chase because they stink to high heaven. They have white stripes down their backs. I heard some were captured and hauled away, so maybe I won't accidentally run into them if I get outside again.

(she-person's note: Again, in your dreams Inky! Face it bubba, you're an indoor kitty, now.)

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