Monday, October 20, 2008

My Great but Brief Escape

Well I got my little rear end in trouble again. No surprise there, huh?

A couple of nights ago my she-person stepped out the door and I dashed out right behind her and went flying off into the black of night. Usually when I go out, I stop and investigate the bushes, but this time I kept going just to show my people I could. My she-person didn't have shoes on, so I knew I had a head start on her. My he-person was on the computer, so that gave me enough time to put some distance between me and him.

They grabbed flashlights and came out looking and calling for me, but I just played it coy and didn't make a peep. Soon another camper they know (Sheree) joined them in the search while my she-person settled into a lounge chair on the patio to wait for my return. Hah, I thought I might make her spend the entire night outside, or at least until something scared me enough to run home!

Finally my he-person's flashlight found a darker spot against the dark background, and he knew it was me so he stomped his feet and I flew home. I had ventured about 3 sites up the hill from home. When we got inside, they fastened my collar around my neck (which I hate because it makes me itchy) so that if I run out again, at least I will have I.D. on. But now they won't let me near the door. It's just pitiful how I'm being treated. And I'm still not allowed in the bedroom at night until at least 6 A.M. - usually later.

Saturday night my people went to a luau, and wouldn't you know they come home with leis around their necks like they've been out partying or something. I could smell delicious food on their breaths when they waddled in. But to add insult to injury (injury being not getting a kitty bag of my own), my she-person wrapped her lei around my neck. Yuck! I couldn't turn my head without getting a mouthful of plastic lei. But they got pictures, which I'm sure will show up on my blogsite before long.

I must say, the bright yellow lei certainly stands out against my mighty handsome, buff self and contrasts nicely with my naturally, sleek dark fur! It brings out the lustrous beauty of my green eyes. I do believe I would make a perfect model for magazines. Purr-r-r-r.

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