Saturday, October 11, 2008

Howling Winds Scare Me!

I just don't know how a sweet kitty like me can get into so much trouble . . .

First of all, the fact that I like to get up early has gotten me banished from the bedroom. My people have finally figured out how to fasten the door closed so I can't get in. The latch alone couldn't stop me, but now it's impossible to get the door open. I've tried banging against it, but those people ignore me.

Then when we had scary, howling winds last night, my she-person slept on the couch just to keep me company. But when I got really scared after the winds started rocking the motorhome, I got right in my she-person's face and howled, and she shoved me away. How could she do that to me?

Today, I'm having to get lots of beauty sleep because I was awake and worried all night long. The wind is howling again today, but at least my people are up and can protect me (I hope).

Life sure can be tough for a wee kitty, but when I get big as a panther I'll bet they'll pay attention to me. G-r-r-r.

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