Wednesday, September 24, 2008

So This is How Cats with Real Homes Live?

Well folks, I'm back from Hollywood and no, I didn't get discovered by Steven Spielberg for his next big movie about handsome, sexy cats! In fact, I didn't even get near Hollywood or Disneyland, where I had hoped to run into Mickey and Minnie.

As we left home, I yowled for about the first 15 minutes after my carrier was put into the car, but by the time we reached the freeway, I had curled up into a ball and was sound asleep. It wasn't at all bad to make the almost 400-mile trip in the car.

Then what I did mostly after arriving in California was hide in the bedroom. But then I did finally take a tour of my human "auntie" and "uncle's" fine home. You see, I don't remember ever being in a real house before, much less a HUGE house, so it was kind of scary to be confronted with all that space. Who knew what might be hiding behind one of the columns in the entry, or around the next corner. There were lots of corners. But what really confused me was finding other black kitties hiding all over the house.

The first one I saw was in our bedroon. I walked towards the mirrored closet doors and suddenly spotted a huge black kitty that looked an awful lot like me. What a shock! Who knew my twin lived in California? I jumped straight up in the air when I saw it, then after a while I crept up to it and found out it wasn't threatening at all. In fact, it just looked back stupidly at me!

Then when I ventured out of the room, I found a shadowy black cat in a curio cabinet in the living room. In fact, in almost every room, there were black cats jumping out at me as I walked by. There was one in the huge TV screen, and in every bedroom that had mirrored closet doors. I even saw one in the mirror over the vanity in the bathroom. Whoa!

I was just getting used to the plethora of cats and all that freedom when it was time to return to Arizona again. I gotta tell you, I could grow to love having a big home to romp in. I might could lose some weight running from the entry to the family room. But all those black cats had better watch out because next time I'll be prepared for them. I'll hiss at them and raise my back to scare them away.

Oh, I did misbehave the first morning there, when I decided to wake up my people the old-fashioned way at about 4:00 A.M. -- by jumping in the middle of them. I wanted to make sure they stayed awake for awhile and protected me from all the other cats. And the last night, I discovered the dangling drawer pulls on the dresser, and that I could make noise by sticking my paw under them and letting them flop back against the drawer. What fun! But on the trip home, I was good as gold (okay, brass) and slept most of the way.

I was one worn out pussy cat following a weekend of traveling and exploring a real house. When I got home I collapsed in front of the open door, flat on my back, with my front legs stretched out straight above my head. My she-person said I looked like a bear skin rug, and almost as big. Naw, I'm just a tired little old kitty cat.

Going to visit aunties and uncles in California was almost as much fun as Disneyland! I can't wait to go back if they'll have me.

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