Thursday, August 7, 2008

This Spot is All Mine!

Well, I've finally won at least one argument in our household. I've claimed one soft, comfy spot as all mine!

First of all, I tried to get comfortable in my peoples' chairs, but they would always run me out by almost sitting on top of me. I mean, sometimes I had to jump for my life if I didn't want to be squashed flat as a pancake. I don't want the sofa. I mean, if my people don't want to sit there, why should I? And the back of the sofa is only appealing when the window behind it is open. That is one place I like to stretch out on my back and let the cool breezes ruffle my fur. But make no mistake, I really prefer inconveniencing my people, and I've never seen them climb up on the back of the sofa to take a nap.

But I did happen to notice that sometimes my she-person puts her feet up on her footstool and sometimes she doesn't, so that's where I decided to claim MY space. Now, anytime I see her feet up on it, I put my front feet on it and squall at the top of my lungs until she has to notice me. And if for some unfathomable reason she doesn't understand or hear me, I climb up on the arm of her chair and squall in her ear. And yeah, I give a really piercing, loud meow when I want to get her attention. She jerks her feet off that stool so fast it makes my head swim, then I jump on it really fast and give her another snarky meow and dirty look to show her who is boss.

There's only one problem with my footstool. It is a glider stool that matches her glider rocker. Sometimes I wiggle around too much and accidentally get it swaying back and forth, then I roll off. I even managed to scratch my she-person one time because I was rolling around on it and went flying off the side next to her bare legs. As I stuck out my claws to try and get some traction before I hit the floor, I clawed her. Oops!

She didn't get mad at me, but she does steer clear when I'm relaxing on it now. Better not no one mess with me and my footstool.

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