Friday, August 22, 2008

Shady Sites, Wonderful Weather and Travel Plans

Well, we moved once again! One month in our site in Verde Valley, and my people weren't happy that there was no shade on the RV. They wanted a site up in the pine trees, which are way bigger than the deciduous trees and provide lots of shade.

It does get hot in V.V. every day before the clouds come in and cool it down. Sometimes that happens by 2:00 PM, but sometimes it gets up almost to 100 before the rain comes in about 4:00 or 5:00 PM. The air conditioner keeps it nice and cool inside, but I like my windows open so I can enjoy cool breezes, plus it's easier to see everything going on. I keep an eye on the neighbors who have a cute little dog. I met it a couple of days ago, but I was a little shy and only got within a couple of feet of it.

Now we're in a nice, shady spot and the windows and door can stay open until almost noon. We haven't had rain in a couple of days, so it has gotten up in the high nineties in mid-afternoon, but it's nice in this site and we always have really cool nights.

The rain should be back tomorrow. Yippee! I love the smell of the grass and trees after the rain. And now my people are thinking we might move again to the site where they were parked when I moved in with them. If only Dixie, the yellow lab can come back and park next door. I just love her and her people! They're the ones who rescued me one cold, dark night.

My people are threatening to haul my furry behind to California in a couple of weeks to meet all my human "aunts" and "uncles" who live there. We will be traveling by car instead of in the motorhome, so I'm not at all sure I will like that. I might raise a ruckus the whole way there to annoy my people.

Should I purr or growl?

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