Saturday, August 16, 2008

Birthdays - When Is Mine?

Well I've certainly learned about a new reason to celebrate this week. My he-person had his birthday, and it appears that the focus of it is about eating good food. He came in reeking of something yummy two times this week, and I want to know, when will we celebrate my birthday?

I'm afraid mine will be skipped because my people don't know what day it was. That's because I was abandoned, and my old people didn't leave any information about me. I want a birthday, too!

What am I, pond scum?

I guess I'll have to figure out some way to let them know that they can pick a date. Maybe celebrate the day they took me in? After all, that's when my new life started. I can accept that as long as I get special treats and presents! I would be happy with some fish and those catnip-filled mice that they've got hidden from me and that I accidentally found one day.

Let's celebrate!!! Purr-r-r-r.

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