Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Western Skies and Raging Storms

I'm rethinking my opinion of the wide open spaces in the West. I'm a real scaredy cat when it comes to big western storms in huge western skies. We spent last night in Las Vegas, New Mexico in a state park on a lake off I-25. I was just lying there in the window minding my own business (which means watching the tent campers across the way, but that's a guard-cat's business, isn't it?) Anyway, all of a sudden the wind came howling across that lake along with some cold air and I flew out of that window like a wild ape. I like to have cried my eyes out to my she-person, but she just told me it was okay. So I cried my eyes out to my he-person, and he sympathized with me. Finally my she-person got up and closed the window so I would calm down since I wasn't going to shut up until that cold wind quit blowing through my RV.

Then today we're driving along I-40 in western New Mexico when all of a sudden a rain and hail storm descended on us. The windshield wipers were slapping back and forth trying to keep up with the deluge, but instead of going swish swish, the one on the driver's side was going ker-plunk, ker-plop, ker-plunk, ker-plop and swinging wildly in the air. He-person had to jump out in the hail to fix it, and found out that wasn't gonna happen. When he got back in he looked like a drowned rat. Now you must know how I feel about rats, but he looked too pitiful and wet to attack. He finally got back out and replaced the broken wiper with the passenger side wiper, which meant my she-person couldn't see out her side to back-seat drive. Bummer.

I went back to bed when we got started rolling again and that's where my she-person found me when they finally stopped. She called to me and I didn't come out, so she came back to the bedroom and found me sound asleep on my back with my front feet straight up in the air. Hey, that's the way I get my best sleep, especially when we're rockin' and rollin' down the road.

We should get back to Verde Valley tomorrow and I can hardly wait to see the place where I was found prowling the park in search of food and comfort. I have lots of friends there, although most of them won't be back until fall. Still, I can't wait to see who is there. Purr-r-r-r.

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