Saturday, July 19, 2008

Danger Lurks in Unexpected Places On the Road

I'm living the good life. Traveling was fun because I got to see new places and animals outside my window that I didn't know existed, but now the door is left open for part of the day and I can look out on green grass and enjoy the breezes. I'm back to spending lots of time on the dashboard, too, where I can watch for people and animals I know and keep an eye on those I don't.

Life on the road can be dangerous for a curious but clumsy kitty like me. My he-person has to keep the outdoor wooden steps just inside the door while traveling, and I've found that's a great place to climb on to get to countertops and other places I'm not supposed to go. I'm not a jumper, so usually these places are out of my reach, but I become a daredevil when the steps are inside. I decided the other day to climb to the top and jump down into the door well, which has two more steps down. That's four deep steps dropping into a spot that was a little tight for jumping anyway, and what with my lack of coordination, I turned a complete somersault through the air before reaching the bottom step. Of course my people nearly passed out from laughing about that!

I guess there's nothing more amusing than a handsome black kitty like me having unfortunate accidents. Grrr-r-r-r.

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