Saturday, October 23, 2010


Here it is near the end of October, with Halloween only a few days away. My she-p is giving me that come-hither look, like she wants to do something disgusting to me to celebrate the day. I've seen that little tiny orange crown of pumpkins she brought home from a party, and I suspect it's for me since it's about the right size for my head. If she manages to get it settled atop my handsome brow and gets a picture of it, I'll post it here. Don't hold your breath, though. I'm quicker that she is, and twice as clever. And always glad to report I'm still alive!

Two of my fish have died, but the others are turning into giant fish. That's four that still swim the little pond and keep me entertained. There are two orange ones, a blue and orange one and a white one with a gray back. Don't know what they are, but they're some kind of fish, and they sure look tasty.

Not much goin' on around here these days. We were taking a trip to Utah, but guess that's on hold for now since I haven't seen any bags packed and waiting by the door. Oh well. Guess I'll have to content myself to staying home for awhile. It's not so bad, though, because sometimes we have company that comes and pats my head and massages my lovely back. U-m-m-m. It feels so good to be a much-loved (and admired) pussycat.

Gotta' go now. Nap time - purr-r-r-r.

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