Sunday, February 28, 2010

Surviving life in the 'burbs

Hey y'all. It's a gorgeous day, so I'm relaxing in the sun. It's been a little dreary for the last few days. My people drove up to Sedona a few days ago to pick up a new mattress and got caught in real, falling from the sky snow. Then they proceeded to move things around in the house to replace the mattress. Since it was their mattress that was being replaced, they stood the old one up by the front door while they put the new one in. I promptly climbed to the top and explored around the arched window above the door. Wow--who knew there was a window up there. I wish they would leave the mattress there so I could climb up anytime I want and catch some rays.

Meanwhile, they had to air up the new mattress, which meant that it made some very unusual noises. I don't go under the bed anymore because of the strange noises I've heard there. It might be something wild that will get me. However, as soon as the bed was made, I did promptly lie on top of it and take a long snooze. I'm a good mattress tester, and I pronounce it very comfy.

They then moved their mattress into the guest bedroom after they moved the old one out of there. Seems that when our visitor came with the kitty, it got scared and dug a hole through the bottom of the box springs so it could hide. Hey, I can sympathize with that. After all, I was waiting outside its door, ready to scare the heck out of it.

I had my own scare in the middle of the night just after the new mattress went into the master bedroom. I was heading for my box in the bathroom, but the door was slightly ajar and so I had to sneak up on it and peek under to make sure nothing would grab me from the other side. Then I suddenly heard scratching behind me and I jumped straight up in the air. I whirled around and my she-person was laughing her head off. She had seen me sneaking up on the door and decided to scratch the mattress, which nearly skeered me to death.

A sweet little kitty like me doesn't deserve such behavior from the people who are supposed to protect me. However, I got my revenge later that night when I begged treats off my she-person, then cried to my he-person so he would think I hadn't had them yet. Yep, you guessed it. I got double treats that night. I have my ways of getting revenge. And I want to get really big and strong on treats so I can intimidate the vet when I go back again.

I'll have to practice my scary squall, too, so I can make believers of everyone in the vet's office. They want to stretch me out and take pictures of my innards, and that does not please me. And they want to draw blood. I don't know what they do with it, but I would like to keep it, thank you very much. Don't come at me with any needles cause I'm a big and strong and scary panther.

Time to get back to my nap. Life is mostly good.....purr-r-r-r.

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