Saturday, February 13, 2010

Christmas Tree and Wintry Weather

Geesh, who knew I would take such a long vacation from posting. It wasn't intentional on my part. You'll have to take it up with my people, who are supposed to keep me on schedule and do my typing. Obviously, they've been negligent lately! In fact, I thought I posted after Christmas, but obviously I was wrong. So here's to bring you up to date.

Christmas was a big to-do since we're in a house. Who knew it meant bringing a tree into the living room and decorating it? That was some surprise! My he-person carried a huge box in and proceeded to open it up and lift tree parts out. I thought trees came in one piece from out-of-doors and smelled like fresh air. A quick taste of a needle told me this wasn't my kind of tree, but it would do for relaxing under.

I immediately claimed my spot under the tree and spent most of my time there throughout the holidays admiring the lights. I was interested in the decorations they were putting on, but other than sniff a couple, I didn't mess with them. I would have liked to climb the tree, but since it didn't smell natural I decided against it. Still, I bit off needles occasionally to test them just to make sure I wasn't mistaken the first and second and third time about them being real. Nope--they still tasted like plastic.

My people had a couple of parties and I was eager to be in the middle so that the guests could all admire my beauty. Who better to provide entertainment than me? Then there was quite a slowdown following the holidays.

One wintry day we woke up and found white stuff floating down from the sky. It actually coated some of the tree limbs and lay about an inch deep on the ground. What a wondrous sight, especially here in the Arizona desert. My people decided maybe I would like to go out in it. I guess they were wrong! They opened the patio door and I made a beeline for it, then I heard raindrops. Yikes! I skidded to a stop, and within an hour, all the beautiful white stuff was gone. Bummer.

I'm still fat and sassy and still get cortisone pills every other day. I love them! Of course, my people think I don't know they're inside those delicious pill pockets, but I know. I just play along and eat those "treats" so fast that I don't taste the pills. I have to go to the vet every 3 months for check-ups, but the last time, the vet carried me back out to my people after a short time and told them I wasn't in the mood for an exam that day. Hey, maybe I have finally made a believer out of her when I roar like a lion. And believe me, that's one thing I do very well!

I'm kinda looking forward to a trip this spring to the Great Northwest. Been there, done that, but maybe there will be some surprises this time. I will get to see my people's sweet nieces, so I know I'll get some extra attention from them. I'll have to be on my best behavior, though.

Until next time. . .purr-r-r-r.

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