Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Look Out California - Here I Come Again!

Hey, it's just fun, fun, fun around here. NOT! It has been raining for a couple of days, plus it is gray and dreary, so I can't lie on my back in the sunshine to get my daily dose of rays. On the plus side for my people, I haven't wanted to run outside. I can remember what it was like to be outside in the rain, and it's not for me. I'm afraid my people would just let me stay out there because they like the rain even less than I do! I don't think they would chase me down or even hold the door open for me in case I changed my mind.

I am heading for California again for Christmas. Can't wait to get over there and hunt down all those black cats that are hiding in my human auntie and uncle's house. They're gonna wish they had never seen the likes of me because I'm planning to really scare them this time. No surprises for me! I'll sneak up on those mirrored doors, then hiss and growl at those cats and see if they don't flee in terror.

I might be a sweet little kitty when it's time to eat, play, and sleep, but I can be a wild ape when the mood strikes. And I think my stinker factor will definitely go up when I get to California. I sure don't want any of those little buggars to come home with us!

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