Friday, February 22, 2008

Life in the RV Park

It's been raining here for two days, so I haven't been out for my walk. I'm not sure yet whether I actually like to walk on a leash or not, but I've let my people know that I get to pick where we walk, and how fast or slow we go. If I want to sniff the grass or visit with a friendly dog, my people just have to follow along because that's the way it is!

After my new people took me in, they did everything they could think of to find my old people because they said I was probably much loved and missed. They put up signs and contacted the humane society, and they let all the staff in the RV park know that they had me in case my old people came back or called. Their efforts were futile, though. They seem happy to have me now, and I'm sure content (p-u-r-r-r).

My only bad experience since moving in with them was my visit to the Vet. Do you have any idea where they put that thermometer when they take a cat's temperature? Let me tell you, I was not happy. I let out a growl that made everyone in the room jump back except for the fool with the thermometer. She held her ground. She better not try that again, because I'll be ready for her next time and it won't be pretty!

Mostly, I'm sweet and adorable. I absolutely love to play, and my new people have given me lots of new toys to play with. I do get demanding about food, though, because I had to do without it for so long. I never want to be hungry again, so I get vocal if I can see the bottom of my food bowl. Otherwise, I'm happy and quiet.

Till next time, m-e-o-w . . .

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